Why is SEO is Important For Businesses?

SEO is one of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted terms in the world of digital marketing. SEO’s unfair characterization as a kind of alchemy over the past decade has caused many otherwise savvy business people to devalue its importance as part of a good, solid marketing plan for small, mid-sized, and even large businesses.

I find this extremely unfortunate because SEO is a very viable marketing outlet that can bring your business more qualified leads and customers.

Moreover, studies have shown that SEO can have a better ROI than traditional forms of marketing like TV and print ads. Like any other marketing method, SEO isn’t magic, but it provides a business visibility, branding, web traffic, a high ROI, credibility, and insight into customer behaviour.

Toys R Us didn’t look into the future, and they made the wrong investment. They laughed in the face of SEO and now SEO will get the final laugh.

Do you need help with an Search Engine Optimization Strategy in Toronto? We are the leading Toronto SEO Company and New York City SEO plus we always offer free consultations.

Chris A. Hughes
Founder of A Nerd’s World