App Dev in Toronto

App Dev in Toronto


Here is a sneak preview at our first app mock-up for our client Toys R Us.

In a co-operative effort along side Open Creative, we created a Facebook app to promote Toys R Us Canada’s 30th Anniversary – Never Grow Up campaign. Our goal was to create an app for users (generally the youth demographic) to create an personal Oath: “I will always….” and fill in a personal goal. ie. “I will always make beautiful websites!” – A Nerd’s World.

The app would then generate a digital oath certificate which would post on the user’s timeline, and onto the TRU Oath Map of Canada, which displays all oaths that have been generated across the country!

We used the Google Maps API to create an interactive map, and we registered dynamic pins displaying the user’s Facebook name and registered oath using OpenGraph. We pulled out all the stops when it came to implementing highly dynamic content between various APIs. We then featured this app as a main tab on Toys R Us Canada’s Facebook page.

Furthermore, we collected analytic to measure and visualize the app’s usage during the length of the campaign, which ran for four consecutive weeks. As a result the total number of Oaths taken between late-September and early-October 2014, ballooned over 250% growth during the interim of the campaign with a consistent positive incline is user activity. This demonstrates that combining good marketing and user experience development, even the most simple ideas will result in successful PR on any platform for any business or person promotion.

Do you need help with your company APP? For a free price quote please contact us today.


Chris A. Hughes